Channels Setup

Channels are used to keep different types of media separate. In this case, you'll want to separate entries and comments. In addition, you'll want to organize your finalists and winners so they can be displayed separately. In the example below, we are also keeping entries from multiple languages separate so they are only displayed on their respective sites.

Channels can be found in read more »

Contest Phases

The contest application is pre-configured with the following phases, based on our recommended best practices:

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Email Templates

There are a number of system emails that are going to be sent out to your users:

registrationThe email that will be sent when users first register in the contest. It's plain text read more »
Facebook Setup

If you want to use Facebook Login in the UGC Contest, you'll have to first create a Facebook Application.

  1. Login to the Facebook developer section and create a new application.

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Global Vars
Global Vars

In addition to managing language translations for multilingual websites, the Translator tool also manages global variables.

Open the translator section of the application inside Media Factory and open the var section:

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Project Settings

Project settings concern configuration that affects all applications, media and users in the project. They can be found under Settings > Project settings in Media Factory:

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Responding Domains Setup

One of the first things that you will likely ask yourself is, "how do I see the website?" By default, the application has probably been set up on a URL similar to http://your-app.projects.fm. This URL is configurable in the Settings section of your application.

First, visit the application settings for your application:

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The Media Factory application template system includes a powerful translation tool. Each application has its own table of translations that can be found in the Translator section:

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Voting Settings

Voting settings allow you to specify how frequent a user can vote on an entry. By default none of the options are selected, and you MUST select one of them in order to allow users to vote successfully. The latest version of the contest introduces a new workflow that makes it easier for users to vote by simplifying the registration process for voters.

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Webcam Recorder

The webcam recorder is a widget which allows users to record video entries via their webcam, on the contest Enter page. It can be installed and configured on the "Widgets" section of Media Factory:

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