Single sign-on (SSO) is a method of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. You may use your own SSO process to access Media Factory user accounts.
Important: Due to browser security restrictions it is not possible to set cookies for a domain that does not match your own. In the following example, this domain will be and the New Spark hosted site will be
As part of this setup, you must ensure that you make a DNS entry (CNAME,ARECORD) for the New Spark hosted app with your DNS provider. would CNAME to (This is typically a URL)
Your newly created CNAME will be the end point used for all API calls to our system, referred to later in this documentation
users.getSessionToken - Use this call if you have stored the users New Spark Identifier locally on your system. This will use that ID, in conjunction with your API key to retrieve a session token for this user.
users.registerOrUpdate - Use this call if you don't plan on storing any New Spark information in your system, this call will create the user at New Spark, or update the user if they already exist, and then return a session token for you to use to authenticate the user on your New Spark hosted app.
setcookie("SABRE_ID", "SESSION TOKEN", 86400, "/", ""); header("Location:\n\n");
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("SABRE_ID"); myCookie.Value = SESSIONTOKEN; myCookie.Expires = 86400; myCookie.Domain = "" Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); Response.Redirect("");
To log a user out, you will need to delete the SABRE_ID from the domains you set it.
Here is a basic example in PHP, that will retrieve a session token, and log the user in.
$arguments = array( 'APIKEY' => 'YOURAPIKEYHERE', 'method' => 'users.getSessionToken', 'vhost' => '1', 'userId' => 123456 ); $path = ''; $url = $path .'?' . http_build_query($arguments,null,'&'); $data = file_get_contents($url); $data = json_decode($data); setcookie("SABRE_ID", $data->result, time()+3600, "", ""); header("Location:\n\n");