Setting up share functions

Media Factory has many options to share posts and submissions to other platforms such as Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Twitter, Google+, Send an email to friend and Stumbleupon. This increases the potential for a wider marketing campaign.  These share functions are found on a website’s entry page.

Note: Share functions can exist on the home page for a particular promotional video or media item.


  1. Facebook Share:  Opens a “Share a link” dialog box where a user can post an item on their wall with a comment.
  2. Facebook like: Likes a post.
  3. Twitter: Shares a link via twitter.
  4. Stumbleupon: Shares content with friends.
  5. Send an Email to a Friend : Sends an email to a friend.
  6. Google +1:  Recommends content on Google Search and shares it on Google +.

Note: Delicious and Digg are only available on older applications and are usually discontinued but can be added later.

Removing a share functions on Contest Application:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, select an a pplication.
  3. Under Sections, click Application Templates.
  4. Under Subtemplates, click sub_share.
  5. Comment out the unwanted share functions by adding <!--unwanted code -->
  6. Click Save .
  7. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  8. On the Applications page, select an a pplication.
  9. Under Sections, click Application Templates.
  10. Under Application Templates, click entry template.
  11. Set default functions to “True” or “False” (around line 523-536) to enable or disable functions from being present on the site.
  12. Click Save .


Removing a share functions on Community Application:

  1. In the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications.
  2. On the Applications page, select an a pplication.
  3. Under Sections, click Application Templates.
  4. Under Application Templates, click Mediadetail.

  1. Comment out the unwanted share functions by adding <!--unwanted code -->.
  2. Click Save .

Updating Share function to add Google+ for Contest Applications

  1. Go to
  2. Copy the code.
  3. In Media Factory, in the Navigation bar, select A pplications>Applications.
  4. On the Applications page, select a Contest a pplication.
  5. Under Sections, click Application Templates.
  6. Under Subtemplates, click sub_share.

  1. Paste the code in the template where you would like it displayed.

Note: You should post it above the div for “email to friend” to maintain the alignment.

Updating Share function to add Google+ for Community Applications

  1. Go to
  2. Copy the code.
  3. In Media Factory, in the Navigation bar, select Applications>Applications .
  4. On the Applications page, select a Contest a pplication.
  5. Under Sections, click Application Templates.
  6. Under Application Templates, click Mediadetail.
  7. Paste the code in the template .

Note: You should paste it around lines 245 below the other share functions.


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