
The ease of development for this version of the contest application comes from the pre-built sub templates. These sub templates use various FM components, HTML and CSS to create dynamic and customizable code. We've built several sub templates based off popular and often reused features.

You can use these sub templates in the same way that you would use any other component on our platform. By changing the variable values for a sub-template you change the way the sub template renders the components, HTML and CSS that it contains. Simply take the sample code in the examples below or use the Builder Tool to customize the sub template until you get the desired result.

Another great reason to use sub templates is because you can build your own and edit what we've already built. If you find you are using the same snippet of code across multiple pages or even multiple projects, its easy to create a sub template of that code and have a central place to add and edit features (Sub templates do not exist across multiple applications or vhosts. You'll have to copy and paste your code from one application to another).

Unlike most <fm> tags, <fm:Include> requires all the variables to be sent even if they are empty. If you encounter an error that reads "Template variable not found: varname, on line x", it's because the <fm:Include> is missing a variable.

Below you will find a list of all of the pre-built sub-templates we offer and all of the the possible combinations you can use to display your content.


The sub_ads template is used to render ad space inside of the application. You can choose to display a bigbox, leader or text based ad. To control what is actually displayed in the ad space you need to edit the contents of the sub-template itself.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_ad" type="bigbox" />
variablerequireddefaultpossible valuesDescription
typeRequirednull'leader', 'bigbox', 'text'


The sub-comments template is used to render a list of comments on the page. This template can be used to show comments on a specific media item by providing an appropriate media id or show all comments by providing a media id of 0.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_comments" mediaid="{$$media_id}" filetypes="1,2,4" page="{$$}" pagesize="5" sort="upload ASC" showPager="true" />
VariableRequiredDefaultPossible ValuesNotes
mediaidRequired0 or a valid media idGrabs the comments for the specified media item. The comment list is mainly used on the entry page so {$$media_id} will normally used. However, if you'd like to list comments elsewhere, you can use the value '0' to grab all comments in the vhost
filetypesOptionalnull'1', '2', '3', '4'Allows you to filter by a specific filetype. 1=image, 2=video, 3=audio, 4=text. You can supply multiple values by separating them with comma's, ex. '1,2' will return only images and videos.
pageOptionalnullIntIf you are going to display a pager you should all have 'page="{$$}"' to make sure the pager gets the correct page number.
pagesizeOptional30Int, 1 to 200The number of media-items per page. A maximum page size of 200 is enforced, attempting to set this to anything greater will cause the page size to revert to 200.
sortOptionalupload DESC'upload DESC', 'upload ASC', 'rating DESC', 'rating ASC', 'approvedcomments DESC', 'approvedcomments ASC', 'notdeniedcomments DESC, 'notdeniedcomments ASC', 'votecount DESC', 'votecount ASC'.Multiple sort fields may be specified separated by commas, eg: sort="commentcount DESC, upload DESC"
showPagerOptionalnull'true' or 'false'The value 'true' will show a pager, any other value will not display anything
reportOptionalnull'true' or 'false'The value 'true' will show a report link, that can be used to report the comment to the site admin. Any other value will not display anything

The sub_gallery template is used to render a list of media items and is probably the most common template that is used. By changing the values of the columns and thumbtype attributes you can completely change the layout of your site without editing any CSS or HTML.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_gallery" columns="two" pagesize="12" thumbtype="wide" transcode="12" sort="{$$get.sort}" showPager="true" page="{$$}" collection="{$$get.collection}" channel="{$$}" user="" startTime="" query="" />
variablerequireddefaultpossible valuesnotes
columnsOptionalone'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'This sets the CSS class that determines the width of each thumbnail. If you specify 'two', each thumbnail will be 50% wide, 'three' is 33% wide, four is 25%, etc
pagesizeOptional30Int, 1 to 200The number of media-items per page. A maximum page size of 200 is enforced, attempting to set this to anything greater will cause the page size to revert to 200.
thumbtypeOptionalwide'wide', 'tall', 'image'Determines the layout of the thumbnails. All thumbs use the same HTML, only the CSS changes.
transcodeOptional1211, 12 or any custom transcoder ID
sortOptionalupload DESC'upload DESC', 'upload ASC', 'rating DESC', 'rating ASC', 'approvedcomments DESC', 'approvedcomments ASC', 'notdeniedcomments DESC, 'notdeniedcomments ASC', 'votecount DESC', 'votecount ASC'.Multiple sort fields may be specified separated by commas, eg: sort="commentcount DESC, upload DESC"
showPagerOptionalnull'true' or nullThe value 'true' will show a pager, any value other will not display anything
pageOptionalnullIntIf you are going to display a pager you should all have 'page="{$$}"' to make sure the pager gets the correct page number.
collectionOptionalnulla valid collection ID
channelOptionalnulla valid channel ID or channel short name
userOptionalnulla valid user ID
startTimeOptionalnullUsually you should use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format, but things like 'yesterday' will also work.This attribute filters by the upload date. No media before the startTime will be returned.
queryOptionalnullAny phrase you would like to search for.Media will return if the title, description or tags match the phrase.
filetypesOptionalnull'1', '2', '3', '4'Allows you to filter by a specific filetype. 1=image, 2=video, 3=audio, 4= ext. You can supply multiple values by separating them with comma's, ex. '1,2' will return only images and videos.


The sub_inputfields template is a easy way to turn on and off various popular register form fields. If you want to add custom form fields, like metadata, feel free to edit the sub template.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_inputfields" email="true" password="true" username="false" firstname="true" lastname="true" address="true" city="false" province="false" country="false" postalcode="false" birthday="false" gender="false" phone="false" cellphone="false" captcha="true" newsletter="true" rules="true" map="true"" />


The sub_jsgallery template renders a media gallery in a tabbed interface. This template allows you to display media based on differing criteria inside of the same space on any page. You might for example display the Most Recent, Most Commented and Most Viewed media under each tab.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_jsgallery" id="galleryone" tab1="Land" tab2="Space" tab3="Water" tab1sort="upload DESC" tab2sort="hits DESC" tab3sort="{%var:moderationComments}comments DESC" tab1channel="592" tab2channel="596" tab3channel="594" tab1collection="" tab2collection="" tab3collection="" tab1filetypes="" tab2filetypes="" tab3filetypes="" columns="two" pagesize="6" thumbtype="wide" transcode="12" />
variable(s)requireddefaultpossible valuesnotes
idRequiredstringA unique identifier that is used to create the gallery. If you want to have multiple JavaScript galleries on a single page, you'll need to set different ids.
RequiredstringThe name of the tab. If there is no value passed the tab and the tab contents are not displayed.
Optionalupload DESC'upload DESC', 'upload ASC', 'rating DESC', 'rating ASC', 'approvedcomments DESC', 'approvedcomments ASC', 'notdeniedcomments DESC, 'notdeniedcomments ASC', 'votecount DESC', 'votecount ASC'.Multiple sort fields may be specified separated by commas, eg: sort="commentcount DESC, upload DESC"
Optionalnulla valid channel ID, or channel short name
Optionalnulla valid collection ID
Optionalnull'1', '2', '3', '4'Allows you to filter by a specific filetype. 1=image, 2=video, 3=audio, 4= ext. You can supply multiple values by separating them with comma's, ex. '1,2' will return only images and videos.
columnsOptionalone'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten'This sets the CSS class that determines the width of each thumbnail. If you specify 'two', each thumbnail will be 50% wide, 'three' is 33% wide, four is 25%, etc
pagesizeOptional30Int, 1 to 200The number of media-items per page. A maximum page size of 200 is enforced, attempting to set this to anything greater will cause the page size to revert to 200.
thumbtypeOptionalwide'wide', 'tall', 'image'Determines the layout of the thumbnails. All thumbs use the same HTML, only the CSS changes.
transcodeOptional1211, 12 or any custom transcoder ID


The sub_map template renders media based on its geographical location using Google Maps technology. In order to see media on a map you'll need to make sure that geographic data was captured when the file was uploaded to Media Factory. To learn more see our geo location documentation.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_map" lat="51N" long="92W" zoom="3" width="100%" height="350px" search="true" />
variablerequireddefaultpossible valuesnotes
latoptional52NInteger better 0 and 180 plus a compass direction, N or SThe latitude of the center of the map.
longoptional92WInteger better 0 and 180 plus a compass direction, E or WThe longitude of the center of the map.
zoomoptional3Integer better 1 and 14The larger the number, the closer the zoom.
widthoptional100%Integer plus '%', 'px' or 'em'Sets the width of the map using CSS.
heightoptional300pxInteger plus '%', 'px' or 'em'Sets the height of the map using CSS.
searchoptionalnull'true' or nullThe value 'true' will show the map search box, any value other will not display anything.


The sub_rightrail template allows you to include additional information like recent comments, a tag cloud and even a custom box to the right side of the main contents of the home page.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_rightrail" ad="true" recentComments="true" tagCloud="true" mediaGallery="false" custom="false" />
variablerequireddefaultpossible valuesnotes
adOptionalnull'true' or nullIf true, this adds the bigbox type of sub_ad to the right rail.
recentCommentsOptionalnull'true' or nullIf true, a box showing a list of the most recent comments is added to the right rail.
tagCloudOptionalnull'true' or nullSetting this to true adds a box containing a tag cloud with the most common tags from your contest.
mediaGalleryOptionalnull'true' or nullIf you wish to show a list of media in the right rail, set this to true.
customOptionalnull'true' or nullIf you wish to show any custom data in the right rail, set this to true. You will also have to add your custom data in the "custom include" section of the sub_rightrail template.


The sub_share template allows you to include social networking options for user to share the media they submit and view through the contest.

Include code example
<fm:Include name="sub_share" mid="{$$media_id}" mediatitle="{$$media_title}" url="http://{$$vhost}/{$$basepage}/{$$subpage}" email="true" facebook="true" delicious="true" digg="true" twitter="true" />
variablerequireddefaultpossible valuesnotes
midrequireda valid media IDIf included in a media list or on an entry page
mediatitlerequiredCurrent media's titleThis title of the media to be shared.
mediadescriptionrequiredCurrent media's descriptionThe description of the media to be shared.
urloptionalcurrent URLhttp://yoururl/basepage/subpageWhatever URL you want the share to link back too.
emailoptionalnullnull or 'true'Allow the user to share via email
facebookoptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Facebook share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.
twitteroptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Twitter share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.
googleplusoptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Google +1 share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.
linkedinoptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Linkedin share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.
deliciousoptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Delicious share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.
diggoptionalnullnull or 'true'Display the Digg share button. Any value other than 'true' will hide the button.


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