API Reference

User methods allow you display, create, remove and manipulate user accounts within New Spark Media Platform.

Confirms a users username and password, and optionally returns user information.

If returnUserInfo is set to false, this method will return the user id when the settings were correct. This method always returns false when username or password is incorrect.

If login is set to true a session will be started and the system will return a sessiontoken property in the userData struct. read more »


Users are not immediately deleted, the user and their media will be deleted within 48 hours, if you need to revert the deletion please email support@newspark.io

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This method/service call returns a array with the user information.

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Returns a session token for a specified user ID.

This method returns the session token for the provided user id. If the third argument is true it will also return any user data available for the account in the form of an array.

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This method returns information about the user by providing the associated session token. The return value is in the form of a array.

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Returns information about a specific user.

This method returns all available information about a requested user based on either a user ID or a username. The method requires a user ID or a username. If a username is supplied the vhost parameter is required.

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This method will return the user information related to the owner of a particular mobile device. read more »

This method returns all available user information about a specific user based on the required email address. This method requires a valid email address and a vhost ID.

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This method returns all available information about a requested user based on an exernal user ID. The method requires an external user ID and vhost.

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This method returns all available user information about a specific user based on the required phone number . This method requires a valid phone number and a vhost ID. read more »

Returns information about a specific user.

This method requires a username and a vhost ID.

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Returns an array of users with standard information and metadata. Also returns userCount - the number of users found in the search.

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This method registers a new user.

Optionally the user can be activated immediately. If the email parameter contains a string, an email template named by that string will used to send out an activation or welcome email.

The return value is the newly created user id.

This method can only be called with a valid developer key.

Required fields for userData are user and read more »


This method registers a new user or updates an existing user if it already exists and returns the user's ID.

The userData is optional, and can be used to update user information if needed. The "userName" parameter will be used as the primary key here. The username may not be updated through this service call; it will only be used if a new user is being registered.

The "userName" read more »


Updates a user's information personal information and metadata.

The meta data field is a bit special. The meta field must be supplied as an array. The new user meta-data will be a merge of the existing meta-date + the newly supplied metadata. Only the top-level elements in the array will be merged, if you have an array within an array, the old top-level array will be completely read more »


Verifies if a username or email already exists in a specific vhost.

When they don't exist this method will return 1, if the user already exists it will return -1, if the email already exists it will return -2.

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