API Reference


Use channels like folders to organize media. These methods allow you create and display New Spark Media Platform channels in your app.

Methods by popularity: Channels.deleteChannel , Channels.getChannelByName , Channels.updateChannelInfo , read more »


A collection is like an album of content. You can manipulate the lineup of the content inside the following Collections.

Methods by popularity: Collections.deleteCollection , Collections.getCollectionByName , Collections.createCollection , read more »


Friends methods allow you to list, add and manipulate friends in New Spark Media Platform.

Methods by popularity: Friends.removeFriend , Friends.getMyFriends , Friends.addFriend , read more »


Groups are used to organize media and users into flexible, customized containers. They are searchable, support custom meta-data and can be manually ordered for display.

Methods by popularity: Groups.moveMediaToGroup , Groups.addMembersToGroupByFilters , Groups.removeMedia , read more »


The I18n methods allow you to add, edit and delete the translations for the application. I18n (Internalization) allows you to use translations in your application. You can configure translations for numerous languages by providing key/value pairs in the application's translations page.

Methods by popularity: I18n.updateStringsForCategory , I18n.updateString , I18n.getStringsFromCategories , read more »


Media methods allow you display, create, remove and manipulate media content in New Spark Media Platform.

Methods by popularity: Media.getFiles , Media.updateFile , Media.getFileInfo , read more »


Methods by popularity: read more »


These methods give you greater control over the New Spark Media Platform. Useful for testing data and to create more concise scripts.

Methods by popularity: System.multicall , System.echoTimeStamp , System.echoTime , read more »


The Upload method allows your app to upload media into New Spark Media Platform.

Methods by popularity: Uploading Files , read more »


User methods allow you display, create, remove and manipulate user accounts within New Spark Media Platform.

Methods by popularity: Users.getBlockedUsers , Users.unBlockUser , Users.blockUser , read more »