
This function returns events for a square area defined by the $northEast and $southWest tips of the square.


mixed geo.getEventsFromArea ( int vhost, array northEast, array southWest, int moderationStatus = false )


NameTypeRequiredDefault valueDescription
vhostintRequirednone The vhost of the application.
northEastarrayRequirednone The north-east (upper-right) point of the square that defines the area for the events. Along with $southWest, is provides the co-ordinates for the area that is to show the users. Examle: $northEast[0] => 62.865220228976895, $northEast[1] => -52.44921875
southWestarrayRequirednone The south-west (lower-left) point of the square that defines the area for the events. Along with $northEast, is provides the co-ordinates for the area that is to show the users. Examle: $southWest[0] => 35.08404808848904, $southWest[1] => -131.55078125
moderationStatusintOptionalfalse The moderationstatus of the events to be displayed. Possible values: 1 (unmoderated), 2 (approved), 3 (not denied), 4 (denied)


Below are the fields available in the returned array.

idINTThe event id.
nameSTRINGThe event name.
logoINTThe id of the media set as the logo for the event.
memberCountINTThe number of members in the event.
geo_latitudeFLOATThe event's geographical latitude. i.e.: 40.775729609144044
geo_longitudeFLOATThe event's geographical longitude. i.e.: -84.44921875
addressINTThe address of the event.

Sample Response

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